During the Lok Sabha elections, there were often rumours that the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was not completely happy with the leadership of the Bharatiya Janata Party (Modi and Shah). That is why it is not fully helping the party in the election campaign. The RSS’s Swayamsevaks across India are somewhat angry. They are not leaving their homes.
When asked, they say that when all the guarantees are Modi’s, then Modi should win the election. The BJP also did not care about this rumour. Moreover, party president Jagat Prakash Nadda had even said in a conversation with ‘Indian Express’ that the party has now become so strong that it no longer needs the RSS. The RSS took this very badly and its efforts became zero for the remaining elections. But after this setback, now a different face of the RSS is emerging during the assembly elections. It seems that Modi-Shah have admitted their mistake to the RSS leadership. They have come to understand that challenging the patronage of the Sangh is not in their political interest and the BJP is incomplete without the Sangh.